Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Powershell command to list all the elements in AX model and DB Sync

                               Powershell commands


Parameter Set: Default
Install-AXModel -File  [-Config  ] [-Conflict  ] [-CreateParents] [-Database  ] [-Details] [-NoOptimize] [-NoPrompt] [-Replace  ] [-Server  ] [-TargetLayer  ] [ 
PS C:\>Install-AXModel -File MyModel.axmodel -Conflict Push


Parameter Set: Default
Export-AXModel -File  -Model  [-Config  ] [-Database  ] [-Key  ] [-ManifestFile  ] [-Server  ] [  

PS C:\>Export-AXModel -model Packaging -file c:\models\PackagingSigned.axmodel -key c:\keys\mykey.snk
Command to list all the elements in the model in AX (Installed )
(Note: here -Model 15 is user layer model)
&"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\ManagementUtilities\Microsoft.Dynamics.ManagementUtilities.ps1"
$s = 'D-WBX-DEV06'
$d = 'Weetabix_Dev_Model'
(get-axmodel -server $s -database $d -model 15 -details).elements | format-table -property path -autosize

Command to list all the elements in the model File (Not Installed).
(get-axmodel -server $s -database $d -file "C:\Lasernet\Lasernet Connector for Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3 CU13\Model\VAR\LAC_VAR_5002_17102018_110314_AX2012R3CU13.axmodel" -details).elements | format-table -property path -autosize

$filepath = "F:\DevOpsRepository\Builds\\Application\Appl\MK.axmodel"
$s= "DataBaseServerName"
$d= "AXDatabaseName"
(get-axmodel -server $s -database $d -file $filepath -details).elements | format-table -property path -autosize | Out-File -FilePath "F:\Tmp\WCC model content.txt" -NoClobber

AX DB Sync
$axProcess = Start-Process -PassThru ($axClientPath + "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe") -ArgumentList ($params + " -StartupCmd=Synchronize")
if ($axProcess.WaitForExit($AXSYNCTIMEOUT) -eq $false)
    Throw ("Error: Synchronize did not complete within " + $AXSYNCTIMEOUT / 60000 + " minutes")

Export list of model elements to Excel using PowerShell

(Get-AXModel -Model 'MyModel' -Details).Elements | select path, elementtype | `
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' c:\mymodel.csv



Parameter Set: Default
Uninstall-AXModel -Model [-Config ] [-Database ] [-Details] [-Layer ] [-ManifestFile ] [-NoPrompt] [-Server ] [

PS C:\>Uninstall-AXModel -Model TestModel -Details

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