Tuesday, 26 September 2017

DIXF: Importing any table data with Financial Dimension (default Dimension) field in the table

DIXF: Importing any table data with Financial Dimension (default Dimension) field in the table

Lets say, I want to import the data into MKxyz Table with 3 fields as below.

1. StId
2. StName
3. DefaultDimension

In the source we have the Dimension as
Department : A01
Purpose : Std

Solution :

Here I am not going to talk about, how to import data using DIXF for that you can refer here
So now we are going to talk about, how to convert the above CSV file to use with DIXF.
we need to convert the file as below.

To summaries
DefaultDimension is give as per the dimension sequence setup
lets say the sequence is
1. Department ,Cost-center and purpose
then the value in Default Dimension field is DD-CC-PP
2. Department ,Cost-center and purpose and we don't have cost-center value
then the value in Default Dimension field is DD--PP
3. Department ,Cost-center and purpose and we don't have purpose value
then the value in Default Dimension field is DD-CC-

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