Monday, 21 September 2015

AIF Transformer: Import CSV files using AIF Transformers : How to build a .Net Transformer using XSD?

AIF Transformer: Import CSV files using AIF Transformers

How to build a .Net Transformer using XSD?


In this post I am going to show you how to create a .Net transform assembly that can be called from Application Integration Framework (AIF) in AX 2012 R3. In this scenario, the component takes the contents of a comma-separated values (CSV) file that contains Bills of materials service (BOM) data and converts it into XML.

This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:

·         Create the .NET assembly

·         Create a program to test the assembly

·         Import .dll to AX

·         Configure Transformer to AIF inbound service.

Create the .NET Assembly

The .NET assembly contains the class that gets called from the AIF pipeline when processing a request. This class must implement the “ITransform” interface which is located in the assembly file Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.dll. This interface contains a single method called Transform that takes three parameters: an input stream, an output stream and a configuration string.

·         Input stream – the request message passed in as a stream.

·         Output stream – the request message after it has been transformed passed out of the method as a stream.

·         Configuration string – a string of data that the developer can specify to be used within the Transform method. This parameter enables you to pass data that is related to the transformation but which is not part of the request stream into the class

To add a reference to the ITransform assembly

1.       Open Visual Studio and create a new project by selecting File > New > Project.

2.       In the Project types tree, select Visual C# > Windows and click the Class Library template.

3.       Type a project name such as AssemblyTransformTest and click OK.

4.       In Solution Explorer, right-click References and select Add Reference.

5.       On the Add Reference form, click the Browse tab and browse to assembly in the client\bin directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\ Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.

6.       Click OK.


To create the transform assembly

1.       Open Class1.cs, and then add the following code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Transform;

namespace MkTransformerBOMCSV2XML
    public class Class1 : ITransform
        public void Transform(System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output, string configuration)
            // Code will be implemented in next steps.



2.       Creating Class from XSD.

Ø  Create two folders in above created project lets name them as “BOMXSD” and “SharedXSD”.

Ø  C:\Users\mgudidevuni\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MkTransformerBOMCSV2XML\BOMXSD

Ø  C:\Users\mgudidevuni\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MkTransformerBOMCSV2XML\SharedXSD

Ø  Save the XSD files (BillsOfMaterials_BOMInterface.xsd and SharedTypes.xsd) to above said folders.

Ø  We can get the above XSDs from (System administration/SetUp/Services and AIF/Inboun.

Ø  Open the Visual studio command prompt and navigate to the directory where the XSD files were saved.

Ø  xsd BomBillsOfServices.xsd SharedTypes.xsd /classes /namespace:XSDTrans.BOMXSD

Ø  The output from the above command, is the VS class BOM_SharedTypes.cs

Ø  Copy this file BOM_SharedTypes.cs and place this file in the folder BOMXS.

Ø Now we need the schema which has the Envelope defined. This is defined in a file called Message.xsd which can be found at the following location
> Copy Message.xsd to the above folder "BOMXSD"
Ø  xsd Message.xsd /classes /namespace:LooneyTrans.SharedXSD

Ø  The above command will create the code for the Envelope.
Ø Place the output file Message.cs in the folder SharedXSD of the project.

We need to add this envelope which sets the Action for the document. The code should now look like this

C:\Users\mgudidevuni\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MkTransformerBOMCSV2XML

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Text;

using System.IO;

using System.Xml;

using Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Transform;

using XSDTrans.BOMXSD;

using XSDTrans.SharedXSD;




    public class Class1 : ITransform


        public void Transform(System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output, string configuration)


            StreamReader sreader = new StreamReader(input);

            string[] dataArray;

            string[] fieldArray;

            bool Version;

            int i;


            // Get the element names from the headings

            string lineIn = sreader.ReadLine();

            fieldArray = lineIn.Split(',');

            //BOM collection                      


            List<AxdEntity_BOMVersion> LbomVersion = new List<AxdEntity_BOMVersion>();

            List<AxdEntity_BOMTable> LbomTable = new List<AxdEntity_BOMTable>();

            List<AxdEntity_BOM> LbomItem = new List<AxdEntity_BOM>();


            lineIn = sreader.ReadLine();

            Version = true;

            while (lineIn != null)


                // Loop through each line of data in the file.

                dataArray = lineIn.Split(',');

                if (Version)


                    //Write BOMVersion elements

                    AxdEntity_BOMVersion BOMVersion = new AxdEntity_BOMVersion();

                    BOMVersion.BOMId = dataArray[0];

                    BOMVersion.Name = dataArray[1];

                    BOMVersion.ItemId = dataArray[2];

                    BOMVersion.FromQty = Int32.Parse(dataArray[3]);

                    BOMVersion.FromQtySpecified = true;

                    BOMVersion.InventDimId = "403-000031";

                    BOMVersion.Active = AxdExtType_BOMVersionActive.Yes;

                    BOMVersion.ActiveSpecified = true;



                    //Write BOMTable elements

                    AxdEntity_BOMTable BOMTable = new AxdEntity_BOMTable();

                    BOMTable.BOMId = dataArray[0];

                    BOMTable.Name = dataArray[1];

                    BOMTable.SiteId = dataArray[4];


                    Version = false;

                    lineIn = sreader.ReadLine();




                AxdEntity_BOM BOMItem = new AxdEntity_BOM();

                BOMItem.BOMId = dataArray[0];

                BOMItem.ItemId = dataArray[5];

                BOMItem.BOMQty = Int32.Parse(dataArray[6]);

                BOMItem.BOMQtySpecified = true;

                BOMItem.UnitId = dataArray[7]; ;

                BOMItem.InventDimId = "403-000031";


                lineIn = sreader.ReadLine();



            AxdBillsOfMaterials bom = new AxdBillsOfMaterials();

            bom.BOMVersion = LbomVersion.ToArray();

            bom.BOMVersion[0].BOMTable = LbomTable.ToArray();

            bom.BOMVersion[0].BOMTable[0].BOM = LbomItem.ToArray();


            //Serialize item data to xml string

            StringWriter stringWriterItems = new StringWriter();

            System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(AxdBillsOfMaterials));

            serializer.Serialize(stringWriterItems, bom);


            //Put it inside the envelope

            EnvelopeType envelope = new EnvelopeType();

            HeaderType header = new HeaderType()


                MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"),

                Action = @""


            envelope.Header = header;

            BodyType bodyType = new BodyType();


            //Load item data xml string into an XML Document

            XmlDocument xmlDocumentItems = new XmlDocument();



            //Set the body to the Item XML Document

            bodyType.MessageParts = xmlDocumentItems.DocumentElement;

            envelope.Body = bodyType;


            //serilalize to outputstream

            System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer mainSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(EnvelopeType));

            mainSerializer.Serialize(output, envelope);






Now we are all set to go, compile the project and load the resulting DLL into AX.

To import the .NET assembly

1.     Copy the assembly file (DLL) to the server bin directory. This directory varies depending on your installation, but it may be named something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin.

2.     Copy the assembly file (DLL) to the client bin directory. This directory varies depending on your installation, but it may be named something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin.

3.     Open Microsoft Dynamics AX and type CTRL+SHIFT+W to open a new development workspace.

4.     Select Tools > Application Integration Framework > Manage transforms.

5.     In the Manage transforms form, type CTRL+N to add a new transform.

6.     In the Name field, enter a unique name of up to 30 characters.

7.     In the Description field, enter a description of the transform of up to 1,000 characters.

8.     In the Type field, select .NET Assembly.

9.     Click Load, navigate to the assembly that you copied to the client bin directory, and then click Open.

10.   In the Class field, select the class in the assembly that contains the transform you want to import.

11.   Type CTRL+S to save the transform.



To use the transform, you first must add the transform file to the list of available transforms by using the Manage transforms form.

1.     Click System administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports.

2.     Deactivate the integration port named BOMService, if it is still active. (You created this integration port in the previous walkthrough.)

3.     Click Inbound transforms. Then, on the Action Pane, click Manage transforms.

4.     Add the Library that we created and give it a Name and Description.

5.     In the Type field, select .NET Assembly.

6.     Click Load, navigate to the assembly that you copied to the client bin directory, and then click Open.

7.     In the Class field, select the class in the assembly that contains the transform you want to import.

8.     Type CTRL+S to save the transform.

This is for my reference only.
 for more info Refer to  below link:

 Have a gr8 day...
Gudidevuni, Mallikarjun 

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