Monday, 11 May 2015

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financials - General Ledger Setup

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financials - General Ledger Setup

Below are the basic setups for GL
1.       Setup legal entity
a.       County
b.      Language
c.       Date time
d.      Organization administrationàArea pageàLegal entity
2.       Organizational hierarchy (optional)
a.       Purpose (centralized payment, organizational chart, etc)
b.      Organization administrationàArea pageà Organizational hierarchy
3.       Number sequence
a.       Manual
b.      By Wizard (for all the maters [modules])
c.       Scope parameters
                                                               i.      Company ( we can give the reference to a module )
                                                             ii.      Legal entity ( we can’t give the reference )
d.      Organization administrationàArea pageà Number sequences  

4.       Financial dimensions
a.       System defined (department, customer, vendor, worker)
b.      User defined (Custom)
c.       General ledgeràArea pageà SetupàFinancial dimensions
5.       Accounting structure
a.       Main accounts
b.      Financial dimensions (to validate the data or for reporting )
c.       General ledgeràArea pageà Setupàchart of accountsàconfigure account structures
6.       Chart of accounts (shareable)
a.       Main accounts
b.      General ledgeràArea pageà  Setupàchart of accountsàChart of accounts
7.       Link to legal entity (Ledger form)
a.       Accounting structure
b.      Chart of accounts
c.       Currency
d.      Exchange rate
e.      Fiscal calendar
f.        General ledgeràArea pageà Setupàledger
8.       Set up currency
a.       Accounting currency (1 for company) Ledger form
b.      Reporting currency (1 for company) ledger form
c.       Triangulation currency (1 for company)
                                                               i.      If there is no direct conversion between two currencies then we use the triangulation currency to act as mediator currency.
                                                             ii.      E.g. let’s say we need to convert NOK to USD, in that care we need to set EUR as triangulation currency and convert NOK to EUR and then EUR to USD.
d.      Display currency (this is mainly for reporting purpose and is temporary).
9.       Exchange rate (shareable)
a.       From and to Currency
b.      Quotation (1, 10, 100 units)
c.       Start date
d.      Exchange rate
10.   Revaluation accounts (only if you are using multiple currency)
a.       Unrealized Gain / Loss ( Need to run Forex batch job, these are projections but not real)
b.      Realized Gain / Loss ( Actuals, real)         
11.   Fiscal calendar (Shareable)
a.       Fiscal periods
                                                               i.      Name
                                                             ii.      Start and end date
                                                            iii.      Interval (day / month / year)
b.      Link with legal entity (Ledger )
                                                               i.      Period code
1.       Opening (closed )
2.       Operating (open)
3.       Closing (on hold)
                                                             ii.      Module level access ( All / none /  user group)
12.   Journal Names
a.       Journal types (Daily, etc)
b.      Voucher number ( number sequence )
c.       Private (to restrict access e.g. for specific use or user group)
d.      Approval ( manual / workflow)
e.      Posting restrictions (All / user / user group)
f.        Journal control ( ledger / customer / vendor/ fixed asset / bank / job)
13.   General Journal
a.       Daily journal ( with or without work flow )
b.      Periodic journal
c.       Template (amount / percentage )
d.      Posting journal
e.      Reverse the transaction
14.   Audit trails
a.       Voucher transaction


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

AX 2012 : Custom Service for importing Sales Agreement data

Custom Service for importing Sales Agreement data : AX2012

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – WCF Custom Services for importing header and line data scenario. 
In this scenario, I will show you how to create sales agreements using custom WCF service. 
We will start with the data models, below are the list of data models used to create sales agreement.
Data model :
1. AgreementHeader
2. SalesAgreementHeader
3. AgreementLine
4. InventDim
5. AgreementLineQuantityCommitment

1. MkSalesAgreementService (Service class)
2. MkAgreementLineContract ( AgreementLines contract class)
3. MkSalesAgreementContract (Agreement Header contract class).

First of all we will start with creating a Contract class for Agreement Header. 
MkSalesAgreementContract : Data contract class
public class MkSalesAgreementContract
    SalesAgreementId        lSalesAgreementId;
    CustAccount             lCustAccount;

    //list for Agreement Lines
    List                    agreementLines;

//Data member for SalesNumberSequence.
public SalesAgreementId SalesNumberSequence(SalesAgreementId _SalesAgreementId = lSalesAgreementId)
    lSalesAgreementId = _SalesAgreementId;
    return  lSalesAgreementId;
//Data member for CustAccount
public CustAccount CustAccount(CustAccount _CustAccount = lCustAccount)
    lCustAccount = _CustAccount;
    return  lCustAccount;
//Data member for Agreement Lines data, here we are passing the agreement lines class as parameters
[AifCollectionTypeAttribute('return', Types::Class, classStr(MkAgreementLineContract)), DataMemberAttribute]
public List AgreementLine(List _AgreementLine = agreementLines)
    agreementLines = _AgreementLine;
    return agreementLines;

now, we will build the data contract class for Agreement Lines.
MkAgreementLineContract :   Data contract class
public class MkAgreementLineContract
    AgreementHeaderRecId    lAgreement;
    EffectiveDate           lEffectiveDate;
    ExpirationDate          lExpirationDate;
    CommitmentType          lAgreementLineType;
    RefRecId                lCategory;
    ItemId                  lItemId;
    LineNum                 lLineNumber;
    InventQtyJournal        lqty;
public AgreementHeaderRecId Agreement(AgreementHeaderRecId _Agreement = lAgreement)
    lAgreement = _Agreement;
    return  lAgreement;
public CommitmentType AgreementLineType(CommitmentType _AgreementLineType = lAgreementLineType)
    lAgreementLineType = _AgreementLineType;
    return  lAgreementLineType;
public RefRecId Category(RefRecId _Category = lCategory)
    lCategory = _Category;
    return  lCategory;
public EffectiveDate EffectiveDate(EffectiveDate _EffectiveDate = lEffectiveDate)
    lEffectiveDate = _EffectiveDate;
    return  lEffectiveDate;
public ExpirationDate ExpirationDate(ExpirationDate _ExpirationDate = lExpirationDate)
    lExpirationDate = _ExpirationDate;
    return  lExpirationDate;
public ItemId ItemId(ItemId _ItemId = lItemId)
    lItemId = _ItemId;
    return  lItemId;
public LineNum LineNum(LineNum _lineNum = lLineNumber)
    lLineNumber = _lineNum;
    return lLineNumber;
public InventQtyJournal Qty(InventQtyJournal _qty = lqty)
    lqty = _qty;
    return lqty;

and finally we will build the service class 
MkSalesAgreementContract : Service class
class MkSalesAgreementService
we will create a service to be assessed from any external system
public SalesAgreementId createSalesAgreement(MkSalesAgreementContract _sAgreement)
    MkSalesAgreementContract       lAgreementContract;
    MkAgreementLineContract        lAgreementContractLine;  
    SalesAgreementHeader            lSalesAgreementHeader;
    //AgreementLine                   lAgreementLine;
// // as AgreementLine is Abstract table we can not insert data directly, hence we need to insert into child table.
    AgreementLineQuantityCommitment lAgreementLine;
    ListIterator                    literator;
    List                            lAgreementList;
    LineNum                         lineNum;
    SalesAgreementForm              salesAgreementForm;


        //salesAgreementForm = SalesAgreementForm::construct();
        lSalesAgreementHeader.SalesNumberSequence   = _sAgreement.SalesNumberSequence() ? _sAgreement.SalesNumberSequence() : MkSalesAgreementService::getAgreementID();
        //lSalesAgreementHeader.DefaultAgreementLineType = salesAgreementForm.parmDefaultCommitmentType();
        lSalesAgreementHeader.CustAccount   = _sAgreement.CustAccount();
       //Mallik Mandatory fields for creating Agreement header, these can be data members methods 
        lSalesAgreementHeader.AgreementClassification = 22565421926;
        lSalesAgreementHeader.Currency  = "CAD";

        if (lSalesAgreementHeader.validateWrite())

            literator = new ListIterator(_sAgreement.AgreementLine());

            while (literator.more())
                //lAgreementLine = literator.value();
                lAgreementContractLine = literator.value();

                lAgreementLine.Agreement = lSalesAgreementHeader.RecId;//lAgreementContractLine.Agreement();
                lAgreementLine.ItemId = lAgreementContractLine.ItemId();
                lAgreementLine.Category = lAgreementContractLine.Category();
                lAgreementLine.AgreementLineType = CommitmentType::ProductQuantity; //lAgreementContractLine.AgreementLineType();
                lAgreementLine.EffectiveDate = lAgreementContractLine.EffectiveDate();
                lAgreementLine.ExpirationDate = lAgreementContractLine.ExpirationDate();
                lAgreementLine.CommitedQuantity = lAgreementContractLine.Qty();
                lAgreementLine.LineNumber = lineNum;

                if (lAgreementLine.validateWrite())
                    throw error("@SYS18447");

            throw error("@SYS18447");

        return "";

    return lSalesAgreementHeader.SalesNumberSequence;

after building the all x++ logic, it's time to create a service, add the service to ServiceGroup and deploy the service.
Now we are into final step to use the above service/ consume the WCF Custom service in .Net application.
here we go....

Create a console C# project
 add the Service Reference to the project ( WSDL URL of inbound port) 

and the C# code goes as below .......
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MkSalesAgreements.ServiceReference1;

namespace MkSalesAgreements
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                DateTime EffectiveDate;
                // Get the value of date1, for example, here it is hard-coded
                EffectiveDate = Convert.ToDateTime("10/01/2015");
                // Calculate new date
                DateTime ExpirationDate = EffectiveDate.AddMonths(3);// AddDays(20);
                // Now, print the newdate or use it in any way you want

                MkSalesAgreementServiceClient client = new MkSalesAgreementServiceClient();

                CallContext context = new CallContext();
                context.Company = "USMF";
                Console.WriteLine("Object Created Success!");
                MkSalesAgreementContract agreements = new MkSalesAgreementContract();

                agreements.SalesNumberSequence = "SAG-000025";
                agreements.CustAccount = "BGRS-00003";

                MkAgreementLineContract[] agreementLines = new MkAgreementLineContract[2];

                agreementLines[0] = new MkAgreementLineContract();
                //agreementLines[0].Agreement = "SAG-000016";
                agreementLines[0].ItemId = "A0001";
                agreementLines[0].Qty = 100;
                //agreementLines[0].AgreementLineType = 1;
                agreementLines[0].EffectiveDate = EffectiveDate;
                agreementLines[0].ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate;

                agreementLines[1] = new MkAgreementLineContract();
                agreementLines[1].ItemId = "BA-Services";
                agreementLines[1].Qty = 99;
                //agreementLines[1].AgreementLineType = 1;
                agreementLines[1].EffectiveDate = EffectiveDate;
                agreementLines[1].ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate;

                agreements.AgreementLine = agreementLines; // add Lines to Header 
                Console.WriteLine("Lines added Success!");
                string journalId = client.createSalesAgreement(context, agreements); // call the createSalesAgreement method

                Console.WriteLine("JournalId:" + journalId);

                Console.WriteLine("Success! Mallik.. Happy Learning !!!");
            catch (Exception e)


Points to Note:
1. as AgreementLine is Abstract table we can not insert data directly, hence we need to insert into child table.
2. The child table data is passed as a class object of child contract class. 

for more information about custom services see here 

Import and Export file from BLOB storage Account(Azure) in D365 F&O using X++

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